Sally's Broken Arm and the Punishment for Original Sin
Why do people worship a god who tortures pregnant women? It's right there in Genesis 3:16. After disobeying God, Eve is told that her pain in childbearing will greatly increase. If one is to believe the bible then every woman who has suffered horrible pain while giving birth is being punished by God for Eve's disobedience. That fact alone should be enough to convince any sane person that the god of the bible is an unjust, masochistic psychopath. Not convinced? Then let me tell you a little story...
A six-year-old girl named Sally goes to school one day. Her teacher notices Sally's arm in a cast and asks her what happened.
"My dad gave me strict orders to never play games in his study but the other day I was tossing a ball near his desk and I nearly made him spill coffee on his computer."
"Oh dear," exclaimed the teacher, "but that doesn't explain what happened to your arm."
"My father got very upset with me for disobeying his orders. He hit me with his golf club and broke my arm."
"I see," said the teacher. "Well then, it was obviously all your fault. You should be thankful that you didn't receive a harsher punishment."
Don't think this is a fair anology? No, of course it's not. For that we would need Sally's father to break the arms of each of his other daughters when they reached the age of six. He would have to teach each of his sons to break the arms of any daughters they might have in the future. He would have to go to work and pass on the same wisdom to all of his friends and co-workers. He would have to run for political office and put forward laws making it mandatory for each girl to have her arm broken at the age of six as punishment for what Sally did. Then we might have something that at least comes close to the grotesque evil that this "loving" God supposedly inflicted upon half of the human race.